Orchid Eaton:
Low slung ceilings, a persistent hum, colors flashing in the dark. More accurately, the recording duo of Brian Moen (Shouting Matches, Peter Wolf Crier, Laarks) and Matt Leavitt (EMOT).
Matt Leavitt
Brian Moen
‘Where All Ends Meet’
‘Where All Ends Meet’ is their sophomore effort. This album was created in separate spaces, shared back & forth through the ether, before and while everything came to a dreaded pause. It’s a vain hope but also illuminating: a thread to walk, many chances to heal. Brian and Matt have been taking turns living in intermediate states (welcoming babies and losing a mom and a dad-in-law). Where threads are tied and untied, on and on. Matter neither being created or destroyed.
Even objects live past lives. Craigslist soundboards, thrift store keyboards, cigarette smoke microphones, tape machines suffused with stories. These songs passed through analog equipment in their respective home studios, required into electric current, squeezed and smoothed into a hazy hug. A comfort; like swaying of grass in the wind; witness to the beauty and the horror. Of all.
It may be a cheap way to prolong life, but these machines and tools are Orchid Eaton’s preferred wavelength. The nine songs are a rumination and acceptance of impermanence, birth and death, as much as can be considered. All are past and present at once. Maybe in some form they live forever. These songs were purposely constructed but patiently waited for, like a cup being filled by ground water that once fell as rain. Down to the center where there are always layers lower, those that ring truest in our heart of hearts.
‘Start of the Dream’
There used to be this destroyer called the USS Eaton, I found out later. A great steel hulk used in the Pacific. It crashed 3 times after the war (the worst with the USS Wisconsin) and then was sunk for target practice in 1969. The same year Gary Usher and my Eau Claire, WI hometown hero, Curt Boettcher made their last record as Sagittarius; the immersive, sunshiny, Moog-strewn, hippie-nadir ‘The Blue Marble’.
I also found an orchid outside Eaton, WI last year. It was all on a wavelength. Somehow it all led me somewhere.
Sometimes you know exactly what you want to say. Sometimes you’re up until 3:23am witnessing your mind churn like a front-loaded washing machine. And you have no quarters. Or is it no quarter?
You’re more in the latter category. And by you, I mean me. I’ve spent a good too many years cloaking my intention in a series of ‘you’s’. To some formless wisp of smoke that is somehow still malleable. So now, by design, it is I.
What do I have to say? I guess that depends.
These days I breathe cleaner. I spend more time in a crystalline fog of my own design. But I made the confines, set the rules. And I permit the world to be as it will. I’ve always enjoyed listening anyways.
Stasis. But also harmony. Static harmony.
Also, to be unafraid as I can be. To rock my sometimes circular feelings to sleep like a doting father. Because I’ve learned how to do that. To nurture. And to continue, however futilely, to throw a layer of suppressive soil over the ego.
So here we go.
I recorded these basement pop songs by myself during work days and late nights when my daughter was sleeping. A Tascam mixing desk & antiquated ADAT machine were used for tracking. It often gave me scary warnings like ‘Error 7’ and spit out my tapes in perceived disgust. I didn’t let that stop me. No click track or punch in’s were used in the making of this record. You’ll be guaranteed to hear the creak, shuffle, slide, and warp.
I played some drums but then I thought better of it and asked Brian Moen (Peter Wolf Crier, Laarks, Shouting Matches) to help me. He played drums and meticulously and heroically exported my garage band tracks into pro-tools and transformed them into the earnest, visceral and 2-D psychedelic end versions you hear here. Brian is a superior and generous human bean. Thank you for your energies, mon frere.
Some other people did some things too (Emily Mohrbacher, Evan Bierer, Luisa Rivera) some people were the mains of support (B. Lev: for the everything \ Hartke: for the Bach & mics \ Dan Choma: for the mics & drums \ Graham O’Brien: for the drums), and some people were themselves (TJL, Christian, Svec, Bobby, Krinsky, B. White).
Additional thanks to Tom Herbers for the Optigan and Pea Hicks (optigan.com) for the new discs.
Thank you to you too for listening.
I’ll see you out there somewhere
-Mah Lev.
July 2nd, 2024 - “10 Minnesota Musicians With Songs that Pop for July” - 89.3 The Current - Orchid Eaton…has created a sensory explosion that’s a hearty drink from a well of emotion that lives deep within all of us. Through Orchid Eaton, Leavitt and Moen show us how art can be a powerful tool and a necessity when used as a means of processing pain and life.
August 6th, 2021 - “Words With: We Are The Willows + Orchid Eaton” - The Aural Premonition - [Matt Leavitt & Peter Miller of We Are The Willows] first experiments in collaboration were so effortless and creatively invigorating that we decided to pursue finishing tracks and releasing them under our respective names to recognize our separate musical identities but also to reinforce our creative collaboration. read more
August 5th, 2021 - “Premiere: We Are The Willows & Orchid Eaton’s “Keep Your Head Up” Is a Mantra for Turbulent Times” - Atwood Magazine - A psych-soaked hypnosis, We Are The Willows and Orchid Eaton’s song “Keep Your Head Up” is a poignant mantra for turbulent, strange times: A “personal anthem for life in a horrifying and confusing political reality.”
July 8th, 2021 - “Orchid Eaton on Back to the City MPLS Music Conversation’’
May 13th, 2021 - “Orchid Eaton ‘Where All Ends Meet’ Review’’ - Melodic Noise - This is not just music you are listening to. It is completely iridescent with Psychoactive textures that jump from the device and unravel…Big emotions lead to an even bigger sky. These colorful Waves dissolve and then rise again. This LP is a midnight adventure through a God’s realm. read more
April 23rd, 2021 - “Orchid Eaton’s Where All Ends Meet Releases Tomorrow. It’s Deep, Poppy, and Soothing’’ - Mostly Minnesota - Sonically [Where All Ends Meet] embraces the poppy psychedelia of the 1970; lyrically it offers the opportunity for catharsis that we need in 2021. It uplifting, quirky and comforting. read more
April 16th, 2021 - “Orchid Eaton Tackles Life Through Machines with ‘Where All Ends Meet’’’ - Music In Minnesota - [Where All Ends Meet] is an album yearning to be played multiple times. Each listen guarantees a deeper perspective and discovery of another little noise that contributes to the full picture of each song. Each piece another small crutch to heal from life and death. read more
April 8th, 2021 - “Where All Ends Meet: Orchid Eaton Releases Album Channeling Pain Into Art’’ - Volume One - ’60s- and ’70s-inspired album is machine learning meeting psychedelia
June 14th, 2018 - "Matt Leavitt's Talents Bloom in New Duo Orchid Eaton" - City Pages - [Start of the Dream] is a collection of jangly, psychedelic tracks with a hint of vintage sound in which Leavitt opens up in a way he hadn’t with his previous bands, Emot and Moon & Pollution read more
June 12th, 2018 - "Lava lamps, bendy bodies and pop-up videos in this week's Top 5 MN Music Videos" - City Pages - Trippy and gorgeous, the overlapping waves of color and texture beg you to gaze deeper as [Alsace-Lorraine] grows ever more tender, like some cosmic coincidence.
May 30th, 2018 - "Start of the Dream: Orchid Eaton's Huge Sounding Sunshine Pop Makes Waves" - Volume One - The record is full of sunny hooks, soaring melodies, and an untouchable lo-fi crunchiness...It wouldn’t be out of line to compare this record to Brian Wilson’s Beach Boys or the Beatles even, but with a modern knack for pop hooks and synthesizers read more
May 4th, 2018 - "Friday Five: More new Minnesota Music Videos" - 89.3 The Current
May 2nd, 2018 - "Start of the Dream by Orchid Eaton" - The Music Below - Start of the Dream by Orchid Eaton has got that lo-fi goodness to it, giving it a real human feel. The hooks are memorable and the use of synths throughout are lovely and dreamy.
Oct 17th, 2017 - "Top 5 MN Music Videos" - City Pages - The brainchild of Matt Leavitt, Orchid Eaton is a far-flung pop project that was recorded in clandestine late nights. The songs appeared like Kerouac poems, springing spontaneously from the loneliness of the dark read more
Oct 13th, 2017 - "Friday Five: New Minnesota Music Videos" - 89.3 The Current